


QUEBEC NEWS:  According to an article in the “La Presse” newspaper dated January 28, 2015, Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec, has reiterated that after the caucus meeting, Quebec needs immigrants. He mentioned that if Quebec wants to avoid a decline of its population of working age, composed of 20 to 64 years, between 2017 and 2030,  Quebec should aim for a threshold of 60 000 immigrants per year and not of 50,000, according to the Statistics Institute of Quebec. The province also needs immigrants to maintain its demographic weight within Canada.

According to Martin Rochette, Editor of the “Palmarès des carriers” on its 11th edition, more than 700,000 positions will be available in Quebec by 2017.  He mentioned that Quebec is arriving at the peak of retirements of the baby boomers and the index of labor replacement in 2016 will of 60 young people for 100 people aged 60 to 64 years. According to him, the job market has never been as open to young people, provided they have a degree.

Do not lose your opportunity for immigration to Canada. This is the moment, take control of your future and send us your CV (curriculum vitae) today maximum 2 pages to if you want to attend a free informational seminars in your country and/or get more information.

FEDERAL NEWS: Starting January 1st, 2015 the Federal program called Express Entry has opened.  This is not a new program; however, it is a new “filter” that will allow the Canadian government select the best qualifying applicants.   In general terms, the candidate must meet the requirements in order to complete and have an immigration process to obtain the Canadian permanent residence.

Please note that candidates interested in immigrating to the Province of Quebec are not affected by these changes.  The province of Quebec is actively looking for thousands of qualified workers / professionals.

If you are interested in immigration to Canada and / or would like more information about immigration to Canada and how Primus Immigration can help you, please send us your CV (curriculum vitae) maximum 2 pages to or, complete our free Questionnaire/free assessment form.

To confirm your attendance, please send us an e-mail
with your curriculum vitae (CV) and mention the city you would like to attend to:

In this seminar you will receive information about Canada, the different laws and requirements, different immigration programs, job opportunities, the cost of an immigration application and our fees. As well, we will give you information regarding what is needed to obtain the Permanent Residence Visa to Canada. Our service and legal advice are 100% guaranteed and are backed by more than 23 years of experience in the field by Lawyer Me Isabel de Oliveira, who throughout the years has represented with ethic, professionalism and honesty the immigration laws and thousands of clients internationally. Me De Oliveira is a member of the Quebec Bar (Barreau du Quebec) and the Quebec Immigration Lawyers Association (AQAADI).

Remember, you will be represented by a lawyer, not an immigration consultant.

You do not need any documents to participate in the seminar, we only ask you to send your curriculum vitae / CV (maximum 2 pages) to and once it is positively evaluated you will receive an invitation from our team. You can dress casually and the event is FREE of charge.

The seminar is intended for:

  • Investors and
  • University graduates under 40 years of age and that have some work experience in the last 5 years.

If none of these apply to you and / or you have any doubts and / or questions, please call our head office in Montreal, Canada at + 1 514 288 3886.

The duration of the seminar is about 1.5 hours and once you are invited and confirm your attendance, your name will be registered. Due to the nature of the event, we ask that you do not bring any children.

It will be a pleasure and honour for PRIMUS to assist you and offer you our legal advice so that you can reach all your goals, dreams and enjoy endless job opportunities and a superb quality of life.

If you cannot attend one of our seminars because you reside in another city, please note that is it not a requirement to attend a seminar to start an immigration process and hire our services. PRIMUS has many clients who are in process and do not live in cities or countries we visit. If this is your case do not worry, a successful process is still possible, please contact us via telephone or e-mail so you can start your process.

Whichever is your situation and case, do not lose an important opportunity, if Canada is in your mind and it is a goal you would like to reach, now more than ever you are closer to it and we can help you!

Once again, thank you for your time and for the opportunity to offer you our services.



Primus Immigration Inc.
2006 Amherst, Montreal
Quebec H2L 3L8, Canada
Tel: + 1 514 288 3886